These options may require a little bit more explanation. On the 'General' tab, five check boxes are provided.
The first allows you to elect to play repeats or not. This includes Da capo and other directives.
If you tick the second box, the score will scroll while it is being played. Unfortunately though, you may find that this causes the music to hiccup while the window is being redrawn.
If you tick the 'Play in a swing rhythm' then VBR will play all even quavers in a triplet rhythm.
The fourth box allows to to turn on a metronome beat. To set the channel and voice of the metronome, see the section below about the second tab.
The last box activates the 'Legato' effect on slurred notes. For more detail on this see here.
The play speed scales all tempo changes in the score.
So do the rubato and emphasis settings. It is important therefore to make sure that the latter two are not zero as otherwise the rubato and emphasis settings in the score will have zero effect.
The second tab concerns playing a metronome beat. The dialog box is just the same as the 'Edit stave data' dialogue box and you chose the voice settings in the same way. In addition, however, you must select a note to play. If you have chosen an instrument with a 'keymaps' file, eg a drum kit, then the name of the drum associated with that note should appear in the box beside it. See Customising your MIDI setup for a bit more detail.
If you click on the 'Save as default settings' button, the current set of options will be saved in the configuration file and any new scores created subsequently will have this set of options. Clicking on 'OK' will apply these options to the current score only and will not affect the saved options.
Print options
Musical scores can be printed in a variety of different styles. Moreover, you may want to use different styles with different scores so VBR stores the Print options in every score. The 'Print options' dialog box has three tabs:
I trust that they are sufficiently self-explanatory.
If you click on the 'Save as default settings' button, the current set of options will be saved in the configuration file and any new scores created subsequently will have this set of options. Clicking on 'OK' will apply these options to the current score only and will not affect the saved options.
The sub-menu gives acces to the usual 'Save' and 'Save as...' options together with options to save in MIDI formats 0 or 1. In addition, you can save the score as a template. What this does is to save just the stave information. When you next load a new template score, you will find the additional template listed.